HeartMath Clinical Certification for Stress, Anxiety and Emotional Regulation

Get Certified in HeartMath

Stress and anxiety have a major impact on the health and well-being of your patients. What if you could teach them simple techniques that could help them connect with their heart to manage stress and learn to regulate their emotions?

Science demonstrates that we can train our autonomic nervous system to support our well-being. Evidence-based techniques provide objective and measurable ways to see improvements in physiological and behavioral functioning.

Over six online sessions, you’ll learn:

  • Brief interventions for emotional regulation to help patients take charge of their health and well-being
  • The science of self-regulation to motivate your patients to engage in effective self-care
  • Methods to show your clients changes in their physiology and emotional states

Course Overview

  • Six one-hour recorded classes
  • A course manual that includes scripts, case study examples, clinical forms, and patient handouts

After completing this course, you will receive:

  • Certification as a HeartMath Certified Practitioner upon completion of an exam. Certification is limited to health professionals who are licensed or certified and working with clients and patients primarily on physical or mental health-related issues. Students in a formal health professional training program, and those who work under supervision are also eligible for certification.

Upon certification, you may apply to be listed in the HeartMath Provider Directory. Listing is at the sole discretion of HeartMath LLC.

Course Topics

  • Six HeartMath techniques for self-regulation and emotional management
  • Importance of coherence and its role in mental, emotional and physical health
  • Individual and group protocols with practical ways to increase patient engagement
  • Heart Rate Variability – clinical applications such as anxiety, pain, PTSD, sleep disorders, ADHD and more

Purchase HeartMath Clinical Certification Program

Get to Know the Course In-depth

Agenda and Course Components


The course is divided into six one-hour online units.

The course includes:

  1. Intro and Overview
    1. Stress and intelligent energy management
    2. Autonomic nervous system and emotional regulation
    3. Resilience building
  2. Coherence Model and Heart-Brain Communication
    1. Coherence and its impact on the human system
    2. Heart’s own complex nervous system: the “heart brain”
    3. Technique: Quick Coherence®
  3. Relational Energetics and Self-Care
    1. Our emotions and attitudes affect the heart’s magnetic field
    2. Provider/practitioner self-care impact quality of care
    3. Technique: Heart Lock-In®
  4. Heart Rate Variability
    1. Deepening the understanding of heart-rate variability
    2. Clinical applications
    3. Technology options for heart-rate variability and coherence measurements
    4. Technique: Attitude Breathing™
  5. Brief Intervention Protocol
    1. Clinical case studies
    2. Sample brief protocol
    3. Technique: Freeze Frame®
  6. Multi-Session Protocol and Special Populations
    1. Complexity and the mind-body connection
    2. Clinical applications, complex patients (ie: PTSD, depression, anxiety, children)
    3. Multi-session protocol

Learning Objectives


Class 1: Scientific Foundation of Self-Care Interventions (280 minutes)

  • Discuss domains of resilience and the importance of intelligent energy management for self-regulation of stress, emotions and creating resilience
  • Describe how to use the self-regulation techniques personally and with patients to improve health and well-being

Class 2: Coherence Model and Heart-Brain Communication (222 minutes)

  • Discuss the impact of increased coherence on heart rate variability, brain function and emotional well-being
  • Analyze the functions of the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the autonomic nervous system and its relationship to coherence
  • Apply emotional refocusing techniques to support a coherent state in moments where stress management and emotional regulation skills are needed

Class 3: Relational Energetics, Communication and Self-Care. (210 minutes)

  • Identify and interpret the concepts of relational and emotional energetics and its impact on patient care
  • Summarize the importance of effective communication in healthcare interactions
  • Describe how to apply an active practice of self-care and communication techniques to improve health outcomes

Class 4: Heart Rate Variability (221 minutes)
At the end of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Review and discuss the importance of HRV analysis as related to clinical outcomes
  • Discuss and practice emotional restructuring techniques to replace incoherent HRV states with states that support healthy change

Class 5: Brief Intervention Protocol (210 minutes)

  • Discuss the defining factors which determine a client’s appropriateness for a Brief Intervention protocol
  • Identify specific treatment goals and objectives for a given patient profile

Class 6: Multi-Session Protocols and Special Populations 

  • Compare and contrast the key differences between multi-session, brief intervention, group and crisis/acute care approaches using heart-rate variability tools and techniques
  • Summarize clinical symptoms/disorders related to “under-arousal” and “over-arousal” and the connection between the two condition

Course References:

  • Culbert, Timothy. Perspectives on Technology-Assisted Relaxation Approaches to Support Mind-Body Skills Practice in Children and Teens: Clinical Experience and Commentary. Children: 2017. Vol 4(20).
  • Dijkstra, M; Soer, R; Bieleman, A; McCraty, R; Oosterveld, F; Gross, D; Reneman, M. Exploring a 1-Minute Paced Deep Breathing Measurement of Heart Rate Variability as Part of a Workers’ Health Assessment. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback (2019) 44:83-96.
  • Elbers, Jorina MD et al. Clinical Profile Associated with Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Advent of Nervous System Dysregulation. Children 2017, 4, 98; doi:10.3390/children4110098.
  • Lucy H. Field, L., Stephen D. Edwards, David J. Edwards, and Sarah E. Dean. Influence of HeartMath Training Programme on Physiological and Psychological Variables. Global Journal of Health Science; Vol. 10, No. 2; 2018. ISSN 1916-9736 E-ISSN 1916-9744.
  • Mather and Thayer. How Heart Rate Variability Affects Emotional Regulation Networks. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. 2018. Volume 19. pp 98-104.
  • McCraty, R. Heart‑Brain Neurodynamics: The Making of Emotions. In Issues of the Heart: The Neuropsychotherapist special issue, M. Dahlitz, & Hall, G., Editor 2015, Dahlitz Media: Brisbane. p. 76-110.
  • Williams, et al. Difficulties in emotion regulation. Front Psychol, 2015. 6: p. 261

Faculty Bio

Timothy Culbert

Timothy P. Culbert, MD, FAAP, IFMCP

Developmental Pediatrician / Pediatric Integrative Medicine
Medical Director of Integrative Medicine, PrairieCare, A University of Minnesota Medical School Affiliate


  • Medical Degree: University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
  • Residency: University of Vermont
  • Fellowship: Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota
  • Board Certification: Pediatrics, Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, Biofeedback and Medical Hypnosis
  • Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner


  • Dr. Culbert’s medical special interests include holistic mental health, chronic pain, self-care skills for kids, complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine, nutritional intervention and biofeedback.
  • Expertise in clinical use of HeartMath and as a HeartMath faculty instructor


  • Assistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics at the University of Minnesota; adjunct professor at the Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota.
  • Dr. Culbert’s new book for kids, “Be Fit, Be Strong, Be You,” from FreeSpirit Publishing, won first place in the Midwest Booksellers Association Awards in the children’s nonfiction category; the book reviews healthy lifestyle choices for kids in a fun and activity-oriented manner.


  • Clinical Instructor of Psychiatry, University of Minnesota Medical School


  • American Academy of Pediatrics Executive Committee, Section on Complementary, Holistic and Integrative Medicine


  • Holistic mental health
  • Chronic pain
  • Self-care skills for kids
  • Complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine
  • Nutritional intervention
  • Biofeedback

Eligibility for HeartMath Certification


Additional Criteria to become a HeartMath™ Certified Practitioner:

  1. Professional Standards
    State, provincial or nationally licensed or certified professionals as listed below:
    • Licensed Mental Health Professionals
    • Licensed Medical Professionals
    • Certified Health Professionals (training must include consultation, mentoring, in-person training, or internship)
    • Students in a licensure-track medical or mental health educational program

    If you have questions about your professional eligibility for certification, please complete this Certification Eligibility Request form

  2. Educational Standards
    Applicants must achieve >80% on the course final exam.

  3. Required Documentation of Certification Eligibility
    Applicants will be required to upload a copy of their professional designation document(s) indicating proof of current licensure, certification, or student status.

Upon certification, licensed and certified health professionals in independent practice can apply to be listed in the HeartMath Directory of Certified Professionals. Listing is at the sole discretion of the HeartMath LLC.

Disclosure of Relevant Financial Relationships


Please check speaker/planner conflict of interest disclosures prior to registering.

The Institute for Better Health Inc. is responsible for the content, quality and scientific integrity of all CE/CME activities certified for credit. When an educational activity is offered for medical (CME), Nursing (ANCC) and/or Psychology (APA) continuing education credit, participants must be informed as to the source, amount, nature, and disposition of any funding used to support the activity, whether in the form of educational grants, cash contributions, or in-kind contributions.

Individuals in a position to influence course content must also disclose whether they have one or more relevant financial relationships with individuals and companies who have a financial interest in activity content. All those in a position to control the content of an education activity are asked to disclose any relevant financial relationships they have with any commercial interest.

There was no commercial support for this activity.

Tim Culbert, M.D., F.A.C.C. has disclosed a financial relationship with Natural Mental Health, which is s website that he owns. Tim agrees that his presentations and other contributions to program content will be completely fair and unbiased, and will mention other healing processes and products during our presentation when appropriate. If possible, he will refer to generics rather than to brand names when mentioning products, equipment, and services, and they will be selected/included on the basis of best available evidence.

The following planners are all employed by HeartMath and do not have any relevant financial relationships to disclose.

  • Rollin McCraty, Ph.D
  • Tricia Hoffman
  • Heather Hoefs, MA, CHCP




What is the cost of the course?

What materials are provided or required for course participation?
The manual and handouts will be available in an electronic format in the Learning Center upon registration.

What is the course format?
The course will consist of six, 1 hour on-demand, online video modules in addition to weekly reading and assignments. Please see technical requirements for details on what is required for a successful completion of the course.

Will I be able to teach heart coherence techniques at the conclusion of the course?
Yes, this is a key component to the course objectives.

What language is the course available in?

What specific technical requirements do I need to access this course (hardware/software requirements)?
See technical specs listed below.

What kind of certificate or official documentation will I receive at course completion?
You will receive a certificate indicating that you have completed the 20 hours required for this course (video, reading and practicing as well as completing the exam and evaluation). You may need this document to submit the course for continuing education credits or self-study through your certification or licensing board.

What does the registration fee cover?

  • 6 1-hour on-demand video modules
  • 1 program manual: Information on the scientific underpinnings of the HeartMath System
  • CE certificate
  • Clinical compendium document
  • Patient handout on resources for patient education
  • HeartMath certified practitioner designation

How do I address any grievances I have about the course?
Please contact Macquarie Institute by email with any questions using the Contact Us Form.

List of Technical Requirements


Client requirements

Browser support
The uses Moodle, which is compatible with any standards compliant web browser. We regularly test Moodle with the following browsers:


  • Chrome
  • Firefox
  • Safari
  • Edge
  • Internet Explorer


  • Safari
  • Google Chrome


Legacy browsers with known compatibility issues with Moodle 3.6:

  • Internet Explorer 10 and below
  • Safari 7 and below

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